Cycle of debates

September 2012

[youtube_sc url=""] Theme: Science, technology and innovation in health: achievements and obstacles in a world without borders. Lecturers: Moisés Goldbaum - Professor-Doutor do Departamento de Medicina Preventiva da Faculdade de Medicina da USP Professor-Doctor of the Department of preventive medicine from Faculdade de Medicina da USP Christophe Rérat – Coordenador…
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August 2012

[youtube_sc url=""] Theme: South-South cooperation at the beginning of the 21st century: scenarios, possibilities and precautions Lecturers: José Flávio Sombra Saraiva - Professor of IREL/Unb South-South cooperation at the beginning of the 21st century: scenarios, possibilities and precautions Carlos Vital Corrêa Lima - 1st Vice-President of the Federal Council of…
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July 2012

[youtube_sc url=""] Theme: Relationships between Health and Sustainable Development in the context of Bioethics Lecturer: Íris Borowy Professor at the University of Rostock, Germany See the presentation of slides here. Moderator: Carlos Corvalán International Consultant of Health and Environment of PAHO/WHO in Brazil See the presentation of slides here. Coordinator: Guilherme Franco…
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June 2012

[youtube_sc url=""] Theme: Ethical challenges for Health in international perspective Lecturer: Dora Porto Bachelor's degree in Anthropology and a doctorate in Health Sciences. Executive Publisher of the Bioethics journal of the Federal Council of Medicine. Adviser of the Latin American and the Caribbean Bioethics  network of Unesco (Redbioética). See the presentation…
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April 2012

[youtube_sc url=""] Thema: International cooperation for development: current situation and prospects for the Brazilian contribution Lecturers: João Brígido Bezerra Lima Planning and research specialist of the Directorate of Studies and Economic Relations and International Policies/IPEA. Rodrigo Pires de Campos Researcher scholar of the National Research Program for Development/IPEA Coordinator: José…
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March 2012

[youtube_sc url=""] Tema: A Bioética e os desafios da interculturalidade para a Cooperação Sul-Sul. Expositor: Prof. Dr. Cláudio Lorenzo Doutor em Ética Aplicada às Ciências Clínicas pela Universidade de Sherbrooke, no Canadá, e professor do Departamento de Saúde Coletiva e do Programa de Pós-Graduação da Universidade de Brasília (UnB). Coordenador…
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November 2011

Theme: Universal access to health technologies, regulation and health surveillance in the international context Lecturer: José Agenor Álvares da Silva Director of the National Agency of Sanitary Surveillance - ANVISA Moderator: José Paranaguá de Santana PAHO/WHO consultant in Brazil, Coordinator of the NETHIS Project Coordinator: Volnei Garrafa Professor of the…
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October 2011

Theme: Social Determination of Health, inequalities and injustices in International Relations Lecturer: Dr. Jarbas Barbosa Secretary of Health Surveillance, Ministry of Health Moderator: José Paranaguá de Santana NETHIS Coordinator and consultant for PAHO/WHO Summary On 27 October the ninth meeting of 2011 of the "cycle of Debates on Bioethics, and…
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September 2011

Theme: South-South cooperation and Economic-Industrial Complex of Health Lecturer: José Gomes Temporão Researcher at Fiocruz. Former Minister of Health of Brazil (2007-2010). Moderator: José Paranaguá de Santana PAHO/WHO consultant in Brazil, Coordinator of the NETHIS Project Coordinator: Gerson Penna Director of Fiocruz Brasilia and Executive Director of the School of…
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August 2011

Theme: Bioethics and Social Vulnerability vis-à-vis the South-South CooperationLecturer: Miguel MontagnerProfessor in the postgraduate program of the UNESCO Chair of Bioethics of the UnBModerator: José Paranaguá de SantanaPaho/WHO consultant in Brazil, Coordinator of the NETHIS ProjectSummaryOn 25 August the seventh meeting of 2011 the "Cycle of Debates on Bioethics, and Health…
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