Cycle of debates

June 2018

Theme: “Biodefence and Global health” Summary:  The term Biodefense includes a set of actions aimed at protecting the population and the agricultural and natural resources against biological threats, such as emerging diseases, bioterrorism, biosafety and bioprotection failures, production of biological weapons. What are the threats to global health and the corresponding…
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May 2018

Theme: “Health safety and response to CBRN Emergencies” Date: May 24th 2018, 8:30 am Venue: Auditorium at Fiocruz Brasília Lecturers: Rodrigo Frutuoso, Emergency Response Coordinator of the Department of Disaster Surveillance (Vigidesastres) of the Ministry of Health Danilo Nery Coelho, Intelligence Officer and Coordinator of Sensitive Technologies and Biodefense, Department of…
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APR/2018 – “Synthetic Biology in Dual Perspective: conquests and threats to global health”

Theme: “Synthetic Biology in Dual Perspective: conquests and threats to global health" Summary: Advances in synthetic biology are controversial topics for health security. A key aspect of this debate refers to the scientific research of dual use, those whose results can be used for good or for evil of mankind.…
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March 2018

Theme: “The malaise in the international migration” Summary: Currently, about 21 million people have moved from their countries of origin for reasons of wars or ethnic, religious and political conflicts, or in search of better living conditions. The construction of migratory policies consistent with the principles of human rights goes…
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SET/2017 – “Educação superior como superação das desigualdades em saúde”

Tema: “Educação superior como superação das desigualdades em saúde” Expositor:  Naomar Monteiro de Almeida Filho, Reitor da Universidade Federal do Sul da Bahia – UFSB. Veja a apresentação em slides aqui.   Local: Unilab, Redenção, CE Data: 22 de setembro de 2017
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AGO/2017 – “Desenvolvimento, Desigualdade e Cooperação Internacional em Saúde”

Tema: “Desenvolvimento, Desigualdade e Cooperação Internacional em Saúde” Ementa: Pela primeira vez, desde a criação da revista Ciência & Saúde Coletiva da Abrasco, em 1996, a Cooperação Internacional em Saúde sob a ótica do desenvolvimento é o tema principal da publicação. Esta sessão do Ciclo de Debates promove o lançamento de número com essa temática e a…
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Junho 2017

Tema: “Ciência, tecnologia e inovação em saúde: expectativas e possibilidades de regulação” Ementa: Ciência e tecnologia adquiriram significados dominantes para a reflexão sobre o futuro da humanidade e de cada pessoa. Inovação veio a unir-se aos termos anteriores, compondo uma tríade conceitual indispensável para qualquer discussão sobre todos os aspectos da…
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April 2017

Theme: “World´s health in the bioethics perspective: the legacy of Van Rensselaer Potter” Lecturers: - Pe. Leo Pessini (Camillian and Bioethics expert). See the presentation slides here. - Thiago Rocha da Cunha (PhD in Bioethics - UnB and Professor in the Post-graduate program in Bioethics and graduation in biological sciences…
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March 2017

Theme: “Brazil and World Order in crisis” Lecturer: - Silvio Caccia Bava (Director and Chief Editor of Le Monde Diplomatique Brazill). [youtube_sc url=] Table Coordinator: - Gerson Oliveira Penna (Director of Fiocruz Brasília)    
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November 2016

Theme: “International Asymmetries in the Health Industrial Complex” Lecturer: - Eduardo Jorge Valadares Oliveira (Coordinator of Physical and Technological Infrastructure of the Brazilian Company of Hospital Services - Ebserh). See presentation presented during the lecture here. [youtube_sc url=] Table Coordinator: - Márcia Luz da Motta (Advisor at Fiocruz Brasília)  
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