
UN: human consumption of processed meat and red meat increases cancer risk

The main office of research on cancer of the World Health Organization (WHO) released unpublished results on human consumption of meat. According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), linked to the WHO, the consumption of processed meats — such as sausage, bacon, ham, and meat based sauces –…
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Pesticides are a subject of a hearing in the Committee on the Environment of the Chamber of Deputies

Image: World champion in the consumption of pesticides since 2008, Brazil lives the paradox of having legislation and not put it into practice effectively to curb the abuse in the use of the products. The remark was made by Guilherme Franco Netto, Advisor to the…
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The plague of diabetes

The diagnosis of diabetes in adulthood is usually related to a diet high in sugar and fat. Combined with a sedentary routine, poor diet is a condition for the development of insulin resistance, the substance responsible for balancing the level of glucose in the blood. However, even healthy foods, such…
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UnB opens selection for Master´s and PhD in Bioethics

The Post-graduate program in Bioethics at the University of Brasilia has opened selection/registration with 12 vacancies for the academic Master´s and six for PhD. Registration can be made until October 23rd and cost R$70 (Master´s) and R$100 (PhD). Access the public notice here. To register via mail, the sending should be…
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Fiocruz and UnB release book on international regulation of chronic diseases

The World Health Organization estimates that 2.5 million people die every year due to problems associated with the consumption of alcohol. Only one in ten people affected by some chronic illness receive proper treatment. These are some of the data presented in the second publication of studies and analysis of…
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Approved students in the International Cooperation in Health course have until tomorrow to register

The Center for Bioethics and Diplomacy Studies in Health (Nethis/Fiocruz Brasília) announced today  (26th) the result of selection to the Course of Short Duration on International Cooperation in Health (see list below). The approved students must register on August 27th and 28th, 2015. The training will be provided between September…
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The risk of being the country of the obese

The measures of height and weight of adults obtained by the National Health Research conducted by IBGE - in a probabilistic sample of over 80 thousand households - bring bad news about obesity in Brazil. According to the survey, done in 2013, one in six are obese men (16.8%) as…
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Three out of ten babies drink soda before the age of two years

Six out of ten Brazilian children with less than two years have already eaten biscuit, cookie or cake and 32% already drank soda or industrialized juice. These foods should be consumed after that age, and in moderation, according to guidance of nutritionists and pediatricians. The information is from the National…
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Anvisa will reevaluate glyphosate and four other pesticides used in the country

Image: The Collegiate Board of Anvisa approved on Thursday (August 20th) the beginning of the toxicology re-evaluation of five active ingredients of pesticides used in Brazil: glyphosate, lactofen, abamectin, carbofuran and thiran. By law, the registration of pesticides has no expiration date, but the re-evaluations…
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Nethis/Fiocruz Brasília discute o legado de Giovanni Berlinguer

O padrinho da reforma sanitária brasileira, o médico sanitarista italiano Giovanni Berlinguer, é tema do VI Ciclo de Debates sobre Bioética, Diplomacia e Saúde Pública do Nethis/Fiocruz, “Visões sobre Saúde e Ética para a Construção do Nosso Futuro: o Legado de Giovanni Berlinguer”. Será na quinta-feira, 25 de junho, no…
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