Module III – Update Course 2013

Notícia publicada em:

  • 6 de março de 2013


MODULE III (March 20/2013)

South-South cooperation confronting these paradoxes in the context of global governance

Summary: Analysis of South-South cooperation as a setting of bioethical dilemmas, from a historical approach to international relations (since the movements originated from South-South relations as the Conference of Bandung, the G77 and the movement of non-aligned countries to the latest events that caracterizes the meaning and practices of South-South cooperation in the United Nations context), with emphasis in the area of health. On characterization of South-South cooperation the principles are discussed, as well as the opportunities and limitations that derive from this type of international cooperation, calling attention to the possible deviations that may happen during the process, taking as an example the Brazilian experience in the area of health within the framework of the South American Union of Nations (UNASUR) and the Community of Portuguese-speaking countries (CPLP).

Objective: To present a critical analysis about South-South cooperation, addressing the historical trajectory, characteristics and limitations present in this cooperation modality and reflecting on the role of international organizations to the bioethical conflicts present in this scenario.

Didactic Material

Paradoxes of international cooperation as Bioethical ChallengesProf. José Paranaguá de Santana class

International Cooperation and South-South Cooperation: theory and history Prof. Iara Leite class

Global agenda of development and the cooperation in healthProf. Paulo Buss class


Iara Leite: Ten years of academic experience in the area of international relations. Experience as researcher and/or professor from various institutions (UnB, IESPUERJ, PUC-Rio, PUC-Minas, Humanization Development Network , Igarapé Institute, Articulação Sul/CEBRAP), with a focus on international cooperation for development (history, theory and practice), South-South cooperation and foreign policy. Graduated in international relations from PUC-Minas and a master’s degree in international relations from PUC-Rio. Doctoral student in political science at IESP/UERJ, developing thesis on the Brazilian cooperation for international development (cases of Embrapa and Senai). Fluent in Portuguese, English and Spanish. She was collaborator of the Task Team on South-South Cooperation (TT-SSC/OCDE), having been responsible for one of the case studies of South-South cooperation intended to generate inputs for the fourth high level meeting about aid effectiveness. She participated at the Igarapé Institute of a research focused on the identification, selection and training of Brazilian experts to be employed in peacekeeping missions and humanitarian assistance. She participated as a lecturer, organizer and moderator in several seminars, workshops and conferences on South-South cooperation. She is the author and co-author of several publications on the theme, as the book “La cooperación sur-sur utopía y realidad: in Latin America” and the report “Contagem, Betim and BH: A beautiful horizon for Haiti. Youth leadership training program “. Currently involved in the following research: the state of the debate on international development cooperation in Brazil, funded by DFID; and ReCom research program, from the UN University, with research on Africa-Brazil cooperation in Social Protection.

José Paranaguá de Santana: Doctor (1974), Specialist in Community Health (1975), Master’s degree in Tropical Medicine (1980), Doctor of Health Sciences (2012) from the University of Brasilia. Project Coordinator of Community Medicine of Planaltina-DF, Covenant UnB/Kellogg Foundation (1976-78). Advisor to the CNRM/MEC (1979). PAHO/WHO consultant in Brazil, PPREPS Project (1979-85). Director of HRD of INAMPS/MPAS (1985-88). PAHO/WHO consultant in Brazil, commissioned in the coordination of the technical cooperation program in HR by the National Health Foundation (1989-2002) and the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (2003-06). General Coordinator of Human Resources Policy of the Ministry of Health (1995-96). National Technical Officer of PAHO/WHO in Brazil in the coordination of the International Cooperation Program-TC 41 (2006-2012). Associate researcher of the HR Observatory of NESP/CEAM/UnB. Coordinator of the Center for Bioethics and Diplomacy Studies in Health (FIOCRUZ/UnB/PAHO). Adviser to the International Relations Center in health from FIOCRUZ Brasília. Member of the Academy of Medicine of Brasília. In 2009, the Oswaldo Cruz Medal of Merit Gold Category by Presidential Decree.

Paulo Marchiori Buss: Doctor (Federal University of Santa Maria RS, 1972) and a Master’s in Social Medicine (University of the State of Rio de Janeiro, 1980). He has medical residency in Pediatrics (1974) and specialization in Pediatrics (Brazilian Society of Pediatrics, 1975) and in public health (National School of public health, 1975). He is a researcher and professor at the National School of public health, Fiocruz, since 1976. He is Member of the National Academy of Medicine of Brazil (2005) and honorary member of Portuguese Academy of Medicine (2008) and of the Academia Nacional de Medicina de Argentina (2011). He is Doctor Honoris Causa by the Universidad ISALUD, of Argentina (2010) and by the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, in Portugal (2011). He was Vice-President of the Executive Committee of the World Health Organization (WHO) (2010-2011), in which, by the recommendation of the President of the Republic, represents Brazil (2008-2011). In addition, he represented Brazil in the seven latest World Health Assemblies (2005 to 2011). He was President of Fiocruz for two periods (2001-2008) and Director of the National School of public health of Fiocruz twice (1989-1992 and 1998-2000), having also been Deputy Director of the ENSP (1985-1989) and Vice President of Fiocruz (1992-1996). He is currently Director of the Center for International Relations in Health, Fiocruz. He represents Brazil in the Health Council of the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) and the Community of Portuguese language countries (CPLP). He received from the Presidency of the Republic the Grand Cross of the Order of Medical Merit (2010) and the Order of Rio Branco (2007), this forrelevant services to foreign policy.

Basic Bibliography:

BARNETT, M; FINNEMORE, M. International organizations as bureaucracies. In: Rules for the world: International Organizations in Global Politics. Cap. 1, pp. 16-44. 2004

BUSS PM. A concepção brasileira de “cooperação Sul-Sul estruturante em saúde”. R. Eletr. de Com. Inf. Inov. Saúde. Rio de Janeiro, v.4, n.1, p.25-35, mar., 2010.

BUSS PM; FERREIRA, J. R. Diplomacia da saúde e cooperação Sul-Sul: as experiências da Unasul saúde e do Plano Estratégico de Cooperação em Saúde da Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa (CPLP). RECIIS, v.14. 2010

CAMPOS, R. P.; TORRONTEGUY, M. A. A.; AMORIM, M. A. La cooperación internacional em salud: Es posible hablar em “cooperación” desde La calle?. El Derecho desde la calle: introducción critica al Derecho a la salud / organizadores: Maria Célia Delduque … [et al.]. Brasília : FUB, CEAD, (Serie el derecho desde la calle ; v.6), p. 310-325, 2012.

CARRILLO ROA, A.; SANTANA, J. P. Regional integration and south–south cooperation in health in Latin America and the Caribbean. Revista Panamericana de Salud Pública, v. 32, n. 5, p. 368–75. 2012

FARIA, C. A. O Itamaraty e a política externa brasileira: do insulamento à busca de coordenação dos atores governamentais e de cooperação com os agentes societários. Contexto internacional,  v.34,  n.1, Jun. 2012

FRANÇA, C.; RATTON, M. A inserção internacional do Poder Executivo federal brasileiro. Análises e Propostas, n.40. FES, ago. 2010

HAAS, E. Multilateralism, knowledge, and power. In: When knowledge is power. Three models of change in International Organizations. Cap. 1, pp. 1-15. 1990 (LIVRO)

LEITE, I. Cooperação Sul-Sul: conceito, história e marcos interpretativosObservador Online, v.7, n.3, mar, 2012. (40 pp.).

LIMA, M. R. S de; HIRST, Mônica (2006). Brazil as an intermediate state and regional power: action, choice and responsibilitiesInternational Affairs, 82, I, pp. 21-40.

SANCHEZ, M.R. O Brasil e a OCDE: uma aproximação “pelas bordas”Brevíssimos Cindes, n.2, mar. 2008

SANTANA, J. P. Um Olhar sobre a Cooperação Sul-SulCiência e Saúde Coletiva, v. 6, p. 2415-2424, 2011

WHITE, L. IBSA Seven Years On: Cooperation in a new global orderPoverty in Focus, n.21, 2010.

Short articles on international relations: Mundorama (

Short articles on development, cooperation and other topics: Poverty in Focus (

Blog: Rules for the world


Supplementary bibliography:

De Lima SMR. A política externa brasileira e os desafíos da cooperação Sul-Sul. Rev. Bras. Polít. Int. 48 (1): 24-59, 2005.
Paranaguá J. Um Olhar sobre a Cooperação Sul-Sul em Saúde. Cadernos de Saúde Pública. 2010. 

Solomon R. Benatar. Moral Imagination: The Missing Component in Global Health. PLoS Medicine. December 2005, Volume 2, Issue 12. 

SARAIVA, M. G. As estratégias de cooperação Sul-Sul nos marcos da política externa brasileira de 1993 a 2007. Revista Brasileira de Política Internacional, v. 50, n. 2, pp. 42-59, 2007.