Module I – Update Course 2013

Notícia publicada em:

  • 6 de março de 2013



MODULE I (March 18/2013 – Class 10, 1st floor)

Paradox I: Growth of social inequalities facing the scientific technological development

Summary: The permanence of the inequalities and injustices in force among the Nations, from the systematization and problematization of concepts and proposals for development in the context of the United Nations and the reflection on bioethical conflicts which accompany the recent rise of public health as a foreign policy instrument. In this sense it is considered: relations between economic-industrial complex of health and development; vulnerability factors, asymmetry and social inequities between countries; global distributive justice; social responsibility of States; human right to health; solidarity and international cooperation.

Didactic Material

Utilitarian ethics and 18th-century Empiricist Philosophy dominant in Contemporary CapitalismProf. Guilherme Delgado

Modernity, development and inequality – Prof. Roberto Passos Nogueira´s class

Health, development and crisis
Prof. Reinaldo Guimarães´s class


Guilherme Costa Delgado: He has a PHD in Economic Science from the State University of Campinas (1984). With experience in the area of Economics, working mainly on the following themes: agriculture, agricultural policy, social policy, social security and rural welfare. Researcher at IPEA – Brasília, since 1976.

Reinaldo Guimarães: He graduated in Medicine in 1971 at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and is MSc. in Social Medicine (1978). Between 1972 and 1984 he was a professor and researcher in the field of public health (Institute of Social Medicine of the State University of Rio de Janeiro). Since 1985 he works in the field of planning, management and science and technology policies and health. Secretary of science, technology and strategic inputs from the Ministry of Health (2007-2010) Vice President for research and technological development of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (2005-2006) Director of the Department of science and technology of the Ministry of Health (2003-2005) Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Research Assistance Foundation of the State of Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ) (2003-2006). Counselor of the Brazilian society for the progress of Science (2001-2005). Member of the Board of Directors of Magazine Ciência Hoje, the Brazilian society for the advancement of Science (2000-2003). Visiting researcher and consultant of the Scientific and technological development National Council (CNPq), where he coordinated the design of the Directory of research groups in Brazil (1992-2003). Member of the Board of Governors of CAPES of the Ministry of Education as a representative of the scientific community (1996 1999). Member of the deliberative Council of CNPq (1985-1988 and 2007-2010). Director of the Studies and Projects Financier (FINEP) of the Ministry of Science and Technology (1985 1988). Commander of the Brazilian order of scientific merit-2008 Grand Officer of the National Order of Merit 2010 Medical Doctor Honoris Causa by the Federal University of Bahia-2012

Roberto Passos Nogueira: He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Medicine from the Federal University of Ceará (1973), master’s degree in public health from the University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (1976) and PhD in public health from the University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (1998). He is currently a researcher at the Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada-DF and the Center for the study of public health at the University of Brasilia. He has experience in the area of public health, with emphasis on public health, working mainly on the following themes: health human resources, public administration, health policies, technical level, vocational training, history of medicine and public health, philosophical aspects of health.

Basic bibliography:

FURTADO, C. Introdução ao Desenvolvimento: enfoque Histórico Estrutural. 3ª e. São Paulo, Paz e Terra: 2000

NOGUEIRA, R. Critérios de justiça redistributiva em saúde. Textos para Discussão IPEA, v.1591. março 2011.

NOGUEIRA, R. Perspectivas Críticas acerca da Relação entre Saúde e Desenvolvimento com Foco nos Países Bric. Análise Econômica, Porto Alegre, ano 30, n. especial, p. 75-95, set. 2012.

SEN, A. Sobre Ética e Economia, São Paulo, Cia de Letras, 2000

SEN, A. Desenvolvimento como Liberdade, São Paulo, Cia de Letras, 2000

SEN, A. Desigualdade Reexaminada, S.L.,     Ed. Record, 2001

SEN, A. A Idéia de Justiça, São Paulo, Cia de Letras, 2009

Additional references:

GADELHA, C. A. G.; COSTA, L. ; BORGES, T. ; MALDONADO, J. . O Complexo Econômico-Industrial da Saúde: elementos para uma articulação virtuosa entre saúde e desenvolvimento. Saúde em Debate, v. 36, p. 21-30, 2012.

GARRAFA, V. ; SOLBAKK, J. ; VIDAL, S. ; LORENZO, C. . Between the needy and the greedy: the quest for a just and fair ethics of clinical research. Journal of Medical Ethics, v. 36, p. 500-504, 2010.

LORENZO, C ; GARRAFA, V. ; SOLBAKK, J. ; VIDAL, S. Hidden Risks Associated to Clinical Reserach in Developing Countries. Journal of Medical Ethics, v. 36, p. 111-115, 2010.

SANTANA, J.P.; GARRAFA V. Cooperação em saúde na perspectiva bioética. Ciênc. Saúde Coletiva. 2012 [citado 2012 Fev 19].

UNESCO. Declaração Universal sobre Bioética e Direitos Humanos. Edição da Cátedra Unesco de Bioética da Universidade de Brasília. Brasília: Out 2005.