Notícia publicada em:
Theme: Innovation in Health and National Development: possibilities and limits of South-South cooperation.
Carlos Gadelha
Secretary of science, technology and strategic inputs from the Ministry of Health
Flávia Poppe
Technical Consultant for the Health Industrial complex and regulation of Economic PAHO/WHO in Brazil
See the presentation of slides here.
Coordinator : José Paranaguá de Santana
Coordinator of Nethis
Summary: The theme of innovation in health vis-à-vis the national development in the context of international relations will be addressed, with a view to the re-construction of dependency relationships through alliances strategies of communities or countries blocks-Mercosur, Unasur, CPLP, BRICS.
NETHIS - Núcleo de Estudos sobre Bioética e Diplomacia em Saúde
Av. L3 Norte Campus Universitário Darcy Ribeiro Gleba A SG 10, 3º andar, 70.904-130, Brasília, Brasil | Tel: (55 61) 3329-4666 | E-mail: [email protected]