Notícia publicada em:
Theme: “The malaise in the international migration”
Currently, about 21 million people have moved from their countries of origin for reasons of wars or ethnic, religious and political conflicts, or in search of better living conditions. The construction of migratory policies consistent with the principles of human rights goes through the discussion on the polarized migration processes within approaches of a security threat or factor for national development.
What are the main challenges in the international context and in the case of Brazil?
– João Brígido Bezerra Lima, Coordinator Brazilian Cooperation for International Development Project – Cobradi/Ipea
See presentation during the lecture here.
– Leonardo Cavalcanti da Silva, Coordinator of the Observatory for International Migrations at UnB and the Ministry of Labour
See presentation during the lecture here.
Table Coordinator:
– Tarcísio Lima Santos Franco, Coordinator of Transnational Affairs at the Brazilian Intelligence Agency – Abin
Venue: Auditorium at Fiocruz Brasília
Date: March 22nd 2018
NETHIS - Núcleo de Estudos sobre Bioética e Diplomacia em Saúde
Av. L3 Norte Campus Universitário Darcy Ribeiro Gleba A SG 10, 3º andar, 70.904-130, Brasília, Brasil | Tel: (55 61) 3329-4666 | E-mail: [email protected]