Module II – Update Course 2013

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  • 6 de março de 2013


MODULE II (March 19/2013)

Paradox II: International solidarity Vs. National interests

Objective: To analyze, under a critical perspective and in the historical context of reconfiguration of the bipolarity North-South, the strengthening of South-South relations and the intensification of international cooperation in health as an instrument of foreign policy of States for the promotion of solidarity Vs. national interests.

Summary: Analysis of international development cooperation as an instrument of foreign policy, from a historical approach to international relations. Discussion of international cooperation, from the end of World War II until the present day, analyzing the major changes in the international political economy that impacted this dynamic, the role of multilateral institutions that have excelled in this area, with emphasis for the World Health Organization (who) and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), as well as the new regional and sub-regional arrangements and its forms of cooperation in health. Relevance of international cooperation in Brazilian foreign policy. Problematization of the interference of the diplomatic interests of nation States in the doctrinal and practical field of international cooperation between countries, featuring bioethical challenges to be avoided or addressed. Evaluation of the involvement of intergovernmental agencies as a factor in mitigation or aggravation of asymmetry between the Nations involved in such cooperation processes

Didactic Material

Solidarity and national interests – Prof. Rodrigo Campos class


Pio Penna Filho: He concluded his PhD in International Relations and History at the University of Brasilia in 2001. He is currently a professor at the University of Brasilia. Published 4 books, 1 in co-authorship with Alfredo da Mota Menezes. Has 12 chapters of books published and 27 articles in specialized journals. He acts in the area of History and International Relations with an emphasis in International Relations History, History of Africa, Latin America and Brazil Republic.

Félix Rígoli: Health policy specialist from Getulio Vargas Foundation and in human resources by the National School of public health, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, in Brazil. Two Masters stand out in his academic and professional career; the first, in public health, in Uruguay, and the other in health administration, in Canada, at the University of Montreal. He is currently Manager of Health systems and Coordinator of the Technical Unit of human resources-PAHO/WHO Brazil, coordinating also the areas of health services, Medicines, technology, and innovation in health. Felix Rígoli has acted as Advisor for the Americas in Washington, in the area of human resources Policies, since 2000, but specifically by coordinating the network of Observatories of human resources in the Americas. He was Manager of the main health services complex in Uruguay and acted as a consultant for the World Bank, the IDB and several international agencies in the Americas. He is the author of articles and book chapters of the WHO, PAHO and others, in the areas of health systems, services management and human resources for health.

Rodrigo Pires de Campos: Bachelor’s degree in International Relations from the University of Brasilia (UnB) in 1994. MSC and PhD in international development cooperation by the Graduate School of International Development, Nagoya University, Japan. He is a Professor and researcher of the master´s in management of knowledge and information Technology program  and of the international relations graduation at the Catholic University of Brasília (UCB) since 2004. He was researcher and Professor of Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ) between 2008 and 2010 on the topic of international cooperation in health. Since 2005 he has served as national and international consultant, carrying out studies and providing advice to federal government institutions and international organizations such as Caixa Economica Federal, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO-WHO), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Brazilian Cooperation Agency (ABC/MRE). In January 2011 he became a scholarship at the research program for national development (PNPD) of the Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (IPEA).

Basic bibliography:

HERZ, M.; HOFFMANN, A. Organizações internacionais: definição e história. In: Organizações Internacionais. História e Práticas. Rio de Janeiro: Elsevier. Cap. 1, pp. 17-40. 2004 (LIVRO)

LANCASTER, C. Cap. 1: Why Foreign Aid? Setting the stage. Cap. 2: Aids Purpose: A brief history. In: Carol Lancaster, Foreign Aid: Diplomacy, Development, Domestic Politics. Chicago/London: The University of Chicago Press, 2007. (pp. 1 − 62).

NOGUEIRA, J.; MESSARI, N. (2005). O Liberalismo. In: Teoria das Relações Internacionais. Correntes e Debates. Rio de Janeiro: Elsevier. Cap. 2, pp. 57-104. (LIVRO)

SARAIVA, J. F. S., África parceira do Brasil atlântico: relações internacionais da África e do Brasil no início do século XXI. Belo Horizonte: Traço Fino Editora, 2012.

______. (org.) CPLP: Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa, solidariedade e ação política. Brasília: IBRI, 2001. (Resenha)

SATO, Eiiti (2010). Cooperação internacional: uma componente essencial das relações internacionais. RECIIS, v.4. Disponível em: