Nethis/Fiocruz Brasilia opens public notice for selection of Librarian

Notícia publicada em:

  • 17 de Maio de 2016

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The Center for Bioethics and Diplomacy Studies in Health (Nethis/Fiocruz Brasília) opened a public notice for the appointment of a librarian to work with the Virtual Health Library Bioethics and Diplomacy in Health (VHL/Nethis). Resumes should be sent until May 20th 2016 to the e-mail: , with the subject SELEÇÃO BIBLIOTECÁRIO NETHIS 2016.

Access the public notice here.

Applicants must be graduates in librarianship, preferably with post-graduate degrees and/or experience in virtual library. It is necessary to be registered in the Regional Council of Librarianship.

The activities to be fulfilled are related to the processing and dissemination of bibliographic information, registration, cataloging and classification of books, scientific articles and other publications on the subject in focus, customer service and registration of users; insertion of articles and other publications in the database of the BVS Bioethics and Health Diplomacy and updates of this bibliographic repertoire, using the methodology of the network VHL/BIREME, among others.