Fiocruz participates in the XI Brazilian Congress of Bioethics

Notícia publicada em:

  • 21 de Setembro de 2015

Release of the book “Three Essays of Bioethics”, written by Fermin Roland Schramm, in Fiocruz booth. José Paranaguá (Nethis/Fiocruz Brasília), Regina Parizi (SBB) and Schramm (Ensp/Fiocruz)

The Center for Bioethics and Diplomacy Studies in Health (Nethis/Fiocruz Brasília) participated in the XI Brazilian Congress of Bioethics, between September 15th and 18th in Curitiba, Paraná. The Center coordinated a mini course in the pre-Congress activities, participated in round tables and organized, together with the Presidency, the institutional space for the stand of Fiocruz in the event.

With the mini course “International cooperation in Health. What Bioethics has to do with it? “, Nethis offered the only eight hour training at the pre-Congress, ont the 15th. Participated as lecturers the researcher of Casa de Oswaldo Cruz (COC/Fiocruz), Fernando Pires-Alves, the Coordinator of  Nethis/Fiocruz Brasilia, José Paranaguá, and researcher of Nethis/Fiocruz Brasilia , Roberta Campos.

The researcher at the National School of Public Health Fermin Roland Schramm released the book “Three Essays on Bioethics”, at Fiocruz booth, after the official opening ceremony of the event. Editora Fiocruz, responsible for bringing the work of the institution on the themes addressed in the Congress, attended throughout the week.

The official opening lecture was given by the Minister of Education, Renato Janine Ribeiro, on the morning of 17th. The Minister congratulated the organizers and attendees for facing the difficult and persistent themes of Brazilian agenda (read more).

On the table, “Bioethics and Inequalities”, the same central theme of the Congress, the researcher at Ipea and associated with Nethis, Roberto Passos Nogueira, criticized the concept of the social determinants of health. “We should analyze health problems from the social determination. New diseases, for example, extend without limits the number of diseases, increase the number of sales of medicines and promote the industry. Social determinants cannot give answers to this phenomenon”, said Nogueira. Also participated in the round table the researcher at the University of Brasilia, Rita Segato, and researcher at the University of Turin, Italy, Maurizio Mori. The researcher at the National School of Public Health Sérgio Arouca (Ensp/Fiocruz), Fermin Roland Schramm, coordinated the debate.

Coordinated by the Doctor at the Hospital Dona Helena from Joinville, Carlos Serapião, the table “Inequality and Access to Health” was composed by the President of the Brazilian Society of Bioethics, Regina Parizi, with the theme “The public-private conflict in health care in Brazil and in the international context”; by researcher of the College of Law from Vitória Elda Bussinger, with “Judicialization of health in Brazil and the strengthening of iniquities by the judiciary”; and Nethis Coordinator, José Paranaguá de Santana, on “Access to health in an unequal world – a look from the southern hemisphere”.

In addition to Publisher Fiocruz (Editora Fiocruz), Abrasco Books, the bookstore of Abrasco (Brazilian Association of Public Health), also participated in the event.