Workshop – Update course 2013

Notícia publicada em:

  • 6 de Março de 2013



WORKSHOP (March 21-22/2013)

Summary: Reflection on the practice of development cooperation in the field of health, emphasizing the ethical dimensions of this process as part of the international relations and, particularly, of the countries ‘ foreign policy, taking the case of Brazil as a reference, from the institutional experiences experienced by participants in the course.


Group A – Case study: drug test with patients with HIV/AIDS

Group B – Health without borders: international cooperation for access to health services in the border region of Brazil

Group C – The challenge of network deployment of pre-hospital care (SAMU) and emergency room units (UPAS) in Port-au-Prince/Haiti


Alejandra Carrillo Roa: Economist Magna Cum Laude (2003) and Master in Social Security (2009) by the Central University of Venezuela. She is currently a researcher at NETHIS working mainly in the areas of South-South cooperation and Health Diplomacy. Master´s student in Global Health and Health Diplomacy by ENSP/FIOCRUZ. In 2008, she worked as a research assistant for the School of Public Health at Yale University (USA). For four years she was Chief Economist of the Office of Research and Economic and Financial Relations of the National Assembly of Venezuela. Recent publications: “Regional integration and south-south cooperation in health in Latin America and the Caribbean” Panamericana de Salud Pública Magazine .

Roberta Freitas Santos:
Graduated in Law (2003), Master and Doctorate student in International Relations and International Law from the University of Sevilla (2006); Specialist in International Trade Law and Comparative Law by Florida International University (2007); Global Health Specialist and Health Diplomacy by Ensp/Fiocruz (2008) and Ex-student of the Graduate Program in International Health Leaders, offered by Paho/WHO (2009). She served as legal adviser in Brazil and Spain in the development of agreements, covenants and international contractors and professor at universities in Brasília in the courses of Law and International Relations. She currently works as a national consultant of the Program of International Cooperation in the Health from Paho/WHO in Brazil and collaborator of NETHIS in the themes of International Cooperation, Human Rights and International Relations.

Thiago da Cunha Rocha: Bachelor of Biomedicine at Centro Universitário de Votuporanga (Unifev); Bioethics specialist for Unesco Chair of Bioethics at the University of Brasilia (UnB); Master in Bioethics and PhD student in the Bioethics post-graduation program in Bioethics in the Faculty of Health Sciences (FS/UnB); Researcher at the Center for Bioethics and Diplomacy Studies in Health (NETHIS); Alternate member of the Committee of Ethics in Research with Human Beings at the Faculty of Health Sciences (CEP/FS-UnB); Board member of the Brazilian Society of Bioethics-Regional Federal District. He acts in the line of research Foundations of Bioethics and Public Health; Focuses on studies on Ethics in research involving humans.

Basic Bibliography:

All bibliographies presented in previous disciplines.










