Course taught by Roberto Passos Nogueira, a researcher from the Institute of Applied Economic Research (Ipea) and researcher associated with Nethis.

Period: 1st  to 3rd Apr 9h at 12h, at Fiocruz Brasilia.

Public: researchers from Nethis, the International Observatory of Human Capabilities, Development and Public Policies of the Center of Studies in Public Health of the University of Brasília (Nesp/UnB) and the Secretariat of Health of the Federal District.

Objective: to promote a reflection on the new prospects of the meaning of health concept.


1.1 Objetal health;
1.2 Who thinks health? ;
1.3 The opening of the Dasein: the “ex-istence”.

2.1 The burden of the Dasein;
2.2 The private mode of “ex-istence”;
2.3 The being-in-disorder.

3.1The being bad: the evidence of being-in-disorder;
3.2 The abyss (sinking): the imperfection of “ex-istence”;
3.3 The suffering and the objectives of the aid.

livro Roberto HeideggerRoberto Nogueira wrote the book Rethinking Health with Heidegger, download here with google docs.