Opened Registration for the discipline International Cooperation for the Development: Specifics of the Area of Health

Notícia publicada em:

  • 25 de Fevereiro de 2016

pecas_mestrado_2015_3The Fiocruz School of Government has opened registration until tomorrow, February 26th, to the elective discipline of the Professional Naster’s in Public Policy in Health “Special Topics I – International Cooperation for the Development : specifics of the area of health”, presented by Nethis. Professionals and students with undergraduate or graduate degrees in health and other related fields are eligible. The selection criteria will be the analysis of curriculum.

For registration, the Curriculum Vitae lattes model is required ( and the application for Registration on disciplines – external student – completed and signed by the candidate.

O resultado da seleção estará disponível no dia 03 de março no site The result of the selection will be available on the day 03 of March on the site here.

Other elective disciplines also receive inscriptions until Friday: Public policies and intersectoral approach; Health, culture and food; Special topics II – SUS public policy: current events and challenges for the future (prospective analysis); Special topics III – Information in support of decision-making: an information science approach; and Special topics IV – Introduction to systematic review of the literature.

There are the total of 10 vacancies for external students.


Registration must be done until February 26th, at the Academic Secretariat of the Fiocruz School of Government – EFG, from 9 to 12 am and 1 to 5 pm.