Nethis Coordinator will make the opening lecture at the II International Congress on Primary Health Care

Notícia publicada em:

  • 9 de Abril de 2015

The Coordinator of the Center for Bioethics and Diplomacy Studies in Health (Nethis/Fiocruz), José Paranaguá de Santana, will make the opening lecture of the II International Congress on Primary Health Care. Paranaguá will speak about “Education and work in health in Latin America”, at the event which will be held from May 5th to 7th in Teresina, Piauí.

Divulgação Para II Congresso Internacional de Atenção Primária à saúdeThe primary care and healthcare networks are featured themes and will stimulate discussions on the practice of health planning. There will also be discussions on decision-making in health, both in the local and international level, consistently and securely, which will allow greater integration and future partnerships between participating institutions.

The event is a partnership of the Department of Management of Work and Education in Health (SGTES/MS) and the Pan American Health Organization (Paho). Congress also has the partnership and collaboration of representatives of academic institutions, the Ministry of Health, the State Departments of Health from Piauí, the National Council of Secretaries of Health, the National Council of Minicipal Health Secretariats, Municipal Health Foundation.

The programming will include thematic workshops and evaluation (PROVAB), with reference to the Primary Care, Care networks and evidence on health. There will be round tables with specific themes and presentation of scientific papers and experiences.

From that moment, it is intended to initiate a collaborative brazilian network for the shared development of simulation models of  needs of primary care professionals.

For more information, visit the event Web site: or send an e-mail to

Source: UNA-SUS, information from the Center for Studies, Research and Extension in Continuing Education for SUS (NUEPES).