III Forum VHL Fiocruz and the X Meeting of the Network of Libraries from Fiocruz

Notícia publicada em:

  • 15 de Outubro de 2014



The Center for Bioethics and Diplomacy Studies in Health (Nethis) will participate in the III Forum VHL Fiocruz and the X Meeting of the Network of Libraries from Fiocruz, between October 20th and 24th, in Joaquim Venâncio Polytechnical School of Health (EPSJV), at Fiocruz. The representative of Nethis Neilia Almeida, librarian responsible for the VHL Bioethics and Health Diplomacy – BVS Nethis -, took part in the recent Network fora. “It is a space for exchange of experiences and to discuss strategies for the strengthening of libraries”, says.

Under the theme “Scenarios and trends in libraries: information worker challenges“, the III Forum will bring an extensive programming, the “VHL Moment”, for example, is dedicated to libraries that received support by the public notice of the Program of Support for virtual libraries in health, Fiocruz 2014. The VHL Nethis was one of the contemplated (read here). “I will make a brief report on how we are going to use the feature, which includes creating an online form for inserting documents, conducting workshops and other activities”, explains Neilia Almeida.

Access the VHL  Bioethics and Health Diplomacy here.

III Fórum BVS programação