Crisinforma is available for download

Notícia publicada em:

  • 20 de Dezembro de 2015

Captura de Tela 2015-12-22 às 19.13.15

The December edition of Crisinforma highlights the International Seminar on Arbovirus (zika, chicungunya, dengue), the DSS symposium sponsored by the National School of Public Health (Ensp) and the meeting with the Director of the TDR/UN. The new edition also deals with International Health Development Workshop, promoted by Paho with Cris and held at Itaboraí Palace, in Petrópolis, attended by 45 participants from the Americas. Also in the newsletter, the international visits, such as the Minister of Social Affairs, Health and Rights of Women in France, Marisol Touraine, of the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2011, Bruce Beutler, Henry Mintzberg, world exponent in management and strategic planning, who have presented great teachings in their areas, and Lord Jim O’Neill, creator of the Bric concept.

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