Fevereiro 2018

Opened registration for the free course at distance on Development, Inequality and International Cooperation

The Center for Bioethics and Diplomacy Studies in Health (Nethis/Fiocruz) and the University of International Integration of Afro-Brazilian Portuguese (Unilab) have opened registration for the free course at distance on Development, Inequality and International Cooperation ( 18 hours), certified by the Fiocruz School of Government. Interested students can register in…
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New issue of Saúde ao Sul magazine: “Filantrocapitalism. The two sides of the same coin”

In a world where inequalities increasingly produce both a multitude of vulnerable people and a handful of superbillionaires, philanthropic initiatives even seem like genuine expressions of solidarity. Meanwhile, Beatriz Nascimento and Luana Bermudez argue in the last issue of * Saúde ao Sul * that maybe things may not be…
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