Opened registration for the free course at distance on Development, Inequality and International Cooperation

Notícia publicada em:

  • 1 de Fevereiro de 2018
The Center for Bioethics and Diplomacy Studies in Health (Nethis/Fiocruz) and the University of International Integration of Afro-Brazilian Portuguese (Unilab) have opened registration for the free course at distance on Development, Inequality and International Cooperation ( 18 hours), certified by the Fiocruz School of Government.

Interested students can register in this link.

For each lecture, the student must answer the corresponding Learning assessment.  At the end of the course, after attending three lectures and answering three learning evaluations, it will be possible to print the free course certificate.

LECTURES – “The role of the university in overcoming health inequalities”, by Naomar de Almeida Filho, former dean at the Federal University at the South of Bahia (UFSB), and the lecture “Cooperation for Development”, from Ambassador João Almino, director of the Brazilian Cooperation Agency (ABC/MRE), are available on the course platform.

On December 7th, the lecture “Transforming paths considering to world inequalities in health” will be available, by Paulo Buss, coordinator of the Center for International Relations in Health (Cris/Fiocruz).

This activity is developed with the sponsorship of the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (Capes).